Armchair CEO: Apple
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
NO links today folks, just a good old-fashioned brain dump...

Linux. I love the concept, hate the flavor. No one is going to use something with so much inherent hassle. Thus, OS X is the "perfect desktop Linux." 'Nuff said.

However, embedded Linux has me ersatzing in my pants! (yes, that makes no sense, but I love the word ersatz)

OK, one link. Here at Linux Devices there's an interesting dealie from Intel that is essentially a pocket, wireless SAN. Very nice! I've toyed with this idea: instead of a USB flashROM drive, why not a Bluetooth, Rendezvous-enabled one? You just put it in your pocket, sit in front of the computer, and BAM! it shows up on your desktop. Nifty.

Now, take that idea and integrate the useless Linux-based watches I'm seeing on the page. Why cram a CPU and storage into a wristwatch? Take out everything you can-- make it the Ultimate Thin Client-- and network it with your little pocket SAN (which now really becomes a pocket CPU)...

Which would mean you could switch up your IO options. Maybe you just want to see stuff? So, jack in (or go wireless) with a headset monitor!

Lots of potential here vis a vis the Human Interface. And I'm hoping to make this a part of my solutionSphere project...

More to come...

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