Armchair CEO: Apple
Monday, May 17, 2004
Think Secret - Source: Apple may start mail order operation
Here's my suggestion:
A full-color large-format magazine (titled "Macintosh") with tips, software "showcases" and business how-to's... (sections like Maximize Your Music and For Switchers... ).
The catalog is fine, but it will be just another in a sea of mac catalogs. When you purchase ANYTHING directly from Apple, you get Macintosh magazine for one year.
Granted, some people will just buy some headphones, or what have you (about the cheapest items on the online store run in the 20-30 range) and get a cool magazine. But overall the mag will be paid for through most customers...
Oh, and there's NO ADVERTISING! There's the mag, with a catalog in back (called the Apple Store natch)... Just a clean white mag with tips, etc.